Rorgon also uses Summoning


It is also a multicombat area with plenty of Wyverns and makes it an ideal place to learn Ice Burst/Barrage. It is also possible to head North to the Adamant Dragons and spot one Brutal Blue Dragon. Don't ignore him, and instead, go towards the other end of the region. There are two things An Adamant Door that will not open and a level 500 Rorgon that is an actual Dragonkin.

Fighting Rorgon. Three methods are possible to fight Rorgon, keeping in mind the possibility that you could have a clan with you. A ranging tank is one, the second is an melee tank, and the third is having tanks join you, putting Rorgon on them, and then joining the fight with the method you prefer.

Rorgon uses a variety of attack techniques. He can also use melee attack. He also uses Fire Wave and Smoke Barrage. The Dragon Crossbow that shoots Rune Bolts that are which are topped with Dragonstone, also serves him. The enchantment will go off at you, so be ready. Rorgon is also susceptible to attack from dragons.

Rorgon also uses Summoning. Although he can't summon BrutalBlue Dragons if he is alone, he could summon up five BrutalBlue dragons when a clan is with him. This depends on the size of the group. One of them could begin flashing intermittently during the battle.

This causes the dragon's defense to rise and Rorgon will become invincible until the time they end up dying. I recommend that the clan's leader focuses almost exclusively on killing dragons. Dragons are able to respawn, so they will be quick to die if needed.

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