danikaの公開自分史 http://pastport.jp/user/danika ja-JP The 7 benefits of a standing desk Being sedentary is bad for your health. People who are sedentary every day have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and premature death. In addition, sitting all the time burns few calories, which many studies have linked to weight gain and obesi 2023-04-06T16:55:15+0900 http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/The%207%20benefits%20of%20a%20standing%20desk danika http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/The%207%20benefits%20of%20a%20standing%20desk What is a standing desk Desks can even improve productivity. A common concern about standing desks is that they impede daily tasks, such as typing. While standing each afternoon may take some getting used to, standing desks do not appear to have a significant impact on typical w 2023-04-06T16:54:16+0900 http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/What%20is%20a%20standing%20desk danika http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/What%20is%20a%20standing%20desk What is a standing desk? A standing desk is basically a desk that allows you to stand comfortably while you work. Many modern versions are adjustable, so you can change the height of the desk and alternate between sitting and standing positions. These are called height-adjustable 2022-11-20T10:33:50+0900 http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/What%20is%20a%20standing%20desk%3F danika http://pastport.jp/user/danika/timeline/What%20is%20a%20standing%20desk%3F