<title>HUYA PUGB LEAGUE S5, VICTORAGE Gaming Chair Stay With You(2020年11月19日)</title>
<description><p><a href="https://www.victorage.com/blogs/ideas/huya-pugb-league-n-victorage-gaming-chair">https://www.victorage.com/blogs/ideas/huya-pugb-league-n-victorage-gaming-chair</a><br />
<a href="https://www.victorage.com/products/bravo-series-victorage-gaming-chair">https://www.victorage.com/products/bravo-series-victorage-gaming-chair</a></p>
<p>January 13, 2020<br />
As the final match in 2019, and the first match in 2020, HUYA PUGB LEAGUE s5 games is going on.<br />
On 12nd, January, HUYA PUGB LEAGUE S5 match was concluded. The match was divided into groups A and B, with A total of 32 teams. Finally, 8 teams including RNG, iFTY, TSG, GFY, Tianba, TITAN, VG and VC successfully qualified for the final, while RushB, FPX, OMG, QM, BA and WEIBO were regrettably kicked out.<br />
While watching the game, you can't help but think about a problem - that’s a perfect gaming chair to support your back. As a professional e-sports fan, choose the best gaming chair, and your back and neck will feel much better. Chairs that provide extra support for your neck and back can make a huge difference in your comfort and long-term spinal health, whether you're playing games or doing work.<br />
A good gaming seat, need not only many times of trials for carefully polish the shape curve, but also need to use good materials. VICTORAGE gaming chairs don't save money from the material choosing.<br />
Making the most comfortable gaming chairs has no shortcuts. Twenty years market feedback data, study of the intimate contact between body and seat every time, according to the different postures of human body, and the different points on the sponge density adjustment, from the perspective of the users, to fit the user requirements, VICTORAGE continuously improves the gaming chair bravo office chair quality and comfortableness, dedicated to creating the most comfortable gaming chairs.</p>
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<a href="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0124/7202/5178/files/pugb_large.jpg?v=1578982166" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0124/7202/5178/files/pugb_large.jpg?v=1578982166" alt="pugb_large.jpg?v=1578982166" /></a><br />
<a href="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0124/7202/5178/files/victorage_gaming_chair_large.jpg?v=1578982353" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0124/7202/5178/files/victorage_gaming_chair_large.jpg?v=1578982353" alt="victorage_gaming_chair_large.jpg?v=1578982353" /></a></p>
<guid isPermaLink="true">http://pastport.jp/user/victorage/timeline/Victorage%20INC/event/IYKQcgNNZi3</guid>