The Lich will then take a 2nd toraise his staffand summon


After that, you want to continuesticking together, and as the boss starts to launch out any other projectile, you want to startrotatingon the edges of the room, essentially staying close to the partitions and close to your allies and constantly rotating round. At this moment, the boss willtarget youand shoot out yet any other red projectile at you that you can surely sidestep through moving to the aspect.

The Lich will then take a 2nd toraise his staffand summon any other projectile, and this is the instant where you can head in for a few hits alongside your allies. Preserve attacking him.
Some other issue that players have to always hold in mind is in no way to stopmoving. Once you release an assault, right away move to the facet, hold dodging and preserve shifting; otherwise, you'll get hit no matter what.

When you’re done attacking him, get away by afew feet, and keep rotating across the room at the same time as he launches out yet every other huge projectile at you. He will keep to repeat theprojectile throwing, and you will want to heal in between as properly.Rorate a bit extra, thencharge in the direction of himand carry out a few extra attacks. If there's ever a second during the fight where you want tobandage, make sure to select a time whilst he's both now not focused on you or he's a piece at risk of do so. Otherwise, you will get interruptedby The Lich.
After you’ve rotated a certain amount, you'll word that the skeletons will begin to observe you, so you can pass beforehand and begin rotating inthe different direction. While he continually launches out his projectiles, there'll come a time whilst he could be at his wit’s stop, and you can pass in advance and sincerely end him off.

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