Fusion and Application of Welding Seam Tracking Technology and New Technology



In recent years, with the development of off-line programming technology, communication technology, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, vision-based seam tracking technology is also developing. The fusion of welding seam tracking technology and new technology makes automatic welding technology get new development!

1.The combination of offline programming technology and automatic welding seam tracking technology.

Off-line programming technology is based on computer graphics and robot kinematics and other technologies to simulate the robot's actions, and to generate the robot's trajectory and corresponding robot operations through graphic programming. Compared with the traditional staff who teach programming through robot teaching device, off-line programming can greatly improve work efficiency, and at the same time, it can keep programmers away from harsh or dangerous working environment. In recent years, off-line programming technology is developing towards the direction of full automation and even more intelligence. The combination of off-line programming technology and automatic welding seam tracking technology can play a part of teaching-free role, which can greatly reduce the workload in the case of a large number of welding seams with various forms.

2. Welding remote control technology.

Remote control welding means that the operator is far away from toxic, deep water, nuclear radiation, inflammable and explosive dangerous working environment, and realizes remote control of welding equipment and welding process. At present, intelligent welding technology can't be fully realized in the field of welding, so it is necessary to use remote control to remotely control the welding equipment to ensure the accuracy and quality of welding. As early as 1970s, operators had already finished welding by controlling the movement of welding gun through remote operation of actuator. In the mid-1980s, remote control welding technology using robots was studied abroad. The earliest application was in Douglas Point nuclear power station in Canada in 1984, and the reactor leakage accident was successfully repaired by remote control welding. Active vision sensing is the main sensing method used in remote welding. With the development of welding pool monitoring camera, there are more and more environments and parameters that can be remotely controlled.

3.3D scanning imaging and artificial intelligence technology.

The robot autonomous welding system based on 3D vision can quickly and independently generate the weld trajectory based on the point cloud image generated by structured light camera and artificial intelligence, and then generate the robot's laser locating, idling and welding trajectory based on the weld trajectory, and add the welding process on the basis of expert database. The system does not need to input an accurate 3D digital model, teaching and programming. After 3D scanning the workpiece, the robot welding trajectory is generated independently, and the laser precise positioning and rectification work is combined together, so it is very suitable for solving the common independent welding of many varieties and small batches of products in industrial field. This kind of welding system can effectively improve the overall welding quality and efficiency by omitting the steps of creating the workpiece model, off-line programming and robot teaching.

Intelligent Laser provides robotic vision, seam tracking system welding, robot welding seam tracking, robot welding laser seam tracking, robotic vision, etc. For laser tracking cost or more information, please feel free to contact us!

