NBA 2K likely has too many ways for them


You are a celebrity, help and thank you for the in depth response. I believe I am a little ratings person, even though I understand its not what. Bonga and bamba are examples of that, so much fun to play even though they arent the maximum rating. I havent played an nba 2K for 4/5 yearsjust getting back into it all. No prob. It's the boosts, and also about badges. That this is how fresh cards have been juiced by 2K, as the year has improved. Compare that diamond pippen's badges to bamba's and you'll see.

I think the 200 and below galaxy opals in general are bad economically. I don't believe Caruso is 100k superior than mason or even Maravich or even bonga or wall, I do not believe Ewing is 150k better than Sampson, etc.. I'd Crawford, and he's really fun but not a real game changer. Surely not worth than Pd Roy or redd. Guys like ak or magical, however, are priceless. I think that it's worth building a group with the top tier guys surrounded by value pds. Kp or work towards Luka or tmac or magical or ak or even KAJ, possibly hedo.

Online or offline play? Derek Rose is good due to his rate, SWB and acceleration. Online, PD Magic Johnson and PD Pau can operate. You might get somebody like GO Luka and PD Dino potentially although you won't have the ability to get two usable opals for internet play w / 260. Just depends upon the market that day. Do I lose the players, if I do a set? I am considering doing the Lights Out but idk if it is worth it should I lose the players that enter it. You do not lose them you lock in them and can't sell. Do not lock in that set, try the Diamond Batum. Better than any card in that set including Klay and only 6k. Locking in almost any set is not recommended.

I hate how there is a meta. How dull. I make my teams based off gamers and my playstyle that I like and it is so much more fun than running Galaxy opals line ups with broken players. That's only video games guy lol meta will always be there no matter what. It's accurate, even for TTO I'd love to run a PG but there is no pt lol our Curry am not even rolling to have him guard bol bol. That doesn't sound as a meta as much as"I need people didn't use better players than me". I believe he talking about how you can not use a card like GO steph because the meta is to run PG's over 6'8 and if you play a center who can't shoot at another participant will camp the paint offball.

Cant avoid a site, but they are able to find balance better. They need to create cards more powerful to make them desirable, sell packs, and promote the mill and whatnot. However they haven't figured out the balance of those continually evolving and necessary to generate a healthful meta. It's really a challenging task. 2K likely has too many ways for them to concentrate on this one, and might benefit from reducing the amount of manners OR consider games that are separate. What if MyTeam or even MyCareer were standalone F2P such as the BR shooters?Create NBA2KING Desktop Shortcuts For 3% Discount!

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