Clearly not to RuneScape


EOC system is nice in RS3 and fun to use. What has been lost in the years since is the quirkiness of RuneScape that makes it unique as a MMORPG (even osrs doesn't quite capture the quirks and nuances of this"greatest" version of RuneScape within my eyes). Particular developments removed idiosyncrasies and replaced them with dull content. Where is the magic, the suspense, the action in divination that virtually every other gathering ability has? I feel that Jagex was trying too hard if they set out divination and now, invention (do not even get me started on that crap ability ).

I really could go on and on, but as a side note, herbs at rs3 went up so I must check what my slayer tab is at now and possibly I could return and finish maxing. I totally agree with you, divination was a terrible skill, but they stepped it up to the new skill. It makes you actually wish to continue training and discover new stuff.

$40 are charging up front. It is a game. When they wanted to hide behind the"it's early access" bullshitthey should not be charging that freaking much. I actually really like project gorgon's gameplay, but the simple fact that they started RuneScape, with this price tag and because amateurish nation is a fucking joke. The walls around the initial city literally have never touched the floor and RuneScape was out for a long time? Clearly not to RuneScape. So it is a terrible game? I think that further proves my overall point about the very liked comment being complete bs and ridiculous amount of people here being fools who did not believe all that via.

He essentially ask why complete joke game isn't fairing (sorry not tried Tibia so will not comment on that) and then later compares osrs to rs3 when he does not have any true context whatsoever why the rs3 reaches terrible state (terribly made combat compared any other mmo and p2w).This is why net does not work. Complete randoms that aren't qualified to answer/haven't tried RuneScapes (in this case) get their crap opinions heard. Its subjective whether the combat is terrible. Personally I enjoy it. I find the inclusion of skills makes combat a lot more engaging than simply sitting there... watching two personalities swing in the air, only needing me to occasionally click on a few food or potions. What game you call a joke, others enjoy and might adore.

It should be mentioned that RuneScape launched in a state as game like Gorgon but its had nearly two decades of upgrades and refinements. Partially because of its head start, RuneScape has so much content in contrast to games and is elegant that it just dominates its market. I actually was not aware of this. I'll look to it. AFAIK, the Gower brothers (who made RS). Originally made a game named DeviousMUD. DeviousMUD was where RS Classic was originally derived, and RS2 from that.

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