NeoCide IVD reagents PC-300 For Sale


NeoCide® PC-300 preservative products contain a percentage of one or both chemical substances 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolinone-3-one (CMIT) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazloin-3-one (MIT). This IVD diagnostic reagent consists of 3% CMIT/MIT in a salt-free proprietary glycol containing an alkyl carboxylate stabilizer with recommended working pH range of 2.0 - 8.5.

These active substances present in NeoCide® PC-300 inhibit the Krebs cycle at four different check points within minutes of contact and effectively display broad-spectrum biocidal activity against bacteria, fungi, and substances A.I. (Isothiazolinones, CMIT/MIT 3:1) 3.0~3.6(w/w); Stabilizer (Alkyl carboxylate) 2.0~3.0%(w/w); Inerts (Modified glycol) 93.4~95.0%

Specification Of NeoCide® In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents PC-300
Appearance: clear liquid, thick colorless to light yellow

Color (APHA): 60 maximum

Odor: mild (sweet)

Specific Gravity@25C: 1.03~1.04

pH: 3.0- 6.0 (10% Aqueous solution)

(CMIT/MIT 3:1) *Active Ingredients: 3.0 – 3.6%

Heavy Metal:<0.05%


  • 3:1 Mixture of 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (CMIT) and 2-Methyl-2H -isothiazol-3-one (MIT).

In vitro diagnostic reagents have been widely used in clinical in vitro diagnostic solutions testing. With the development of science and technology of IVD In Vitro Diagnostic Solutions, in vitro diagnostic products are becoming more and more widely used. In IVD product development, in addition to accuracy and repeatability, researchers also need to ensure the quality of in vitro diagnostic products within the shelf life, so the choice of IVD preservatives is crucial.

