Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor TMB-1970 Transtek



Transtek Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor TMB-1970, Blood Pressure WiFi Monitor.

Want more choices, you can have a look at our TMB2080 Transtek Medical smart blood pressure monitor.

Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor TMB-1970 Paramters
Product NameTranstek Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor TMB-1970
Measurement TypeUpper Arm
Cuff Size22-32cm / 22-42cm
Dimensions (cuff is not included)Approx.102mm × 107mm × 40mm
DisplayLCD V.A.52mm × 58mm
Power Source6VDC 4*AAA batteries
Measurement duringInflation
CE & FDA approvalCE & FDA
Memory Capacity2 users × 60
Measurement modeOscillographic testing mode
Measurement rangeRated cuff pressure: 0kPa - 40kPa (0mmHg~300mmHg)
Measurement pressure: 5.3kPa-30.7kPa (40mmHg-230mmHg)
Pulse value: (40-199) beat/minute
Accuracy5℃-40℃within±0.4kPa(3mmHg); Pulse value: ±5%
Intellisense technologyInflates the cuff to the ideal level for each use
Irregular heartbeat detectionIndicates if irregular heartbeat is detected
Electrical PropertiesRated Voltage: 3.5VDC
Max.Current: <350mA
Physical propertiesNoise: <l47db
Rated Life: 30000 cycles
Pneumatic PropertiesFree Flow: >350ml/min
Min.Pressure: 400-g
Essential FeaturesClinically Validated
Blood Pressure Level Indicator
Irregular Heartbeat Detection
Average of last 3 values
Date/Time Indication
Standout Features1. Large LCD Screen
2. The updated technology in the world: Measuring during inflation
3. Maximum 60 records per each user
4. WHO classification indicator

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