Mandatory Benefits Management


Mandatory employee insurance is a variety of basic benefits that enterprises must provide for employees. Federally mandated employee benefits includes pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, birth insurance and housing provident fund, is a series of protection plans for employees, which are paid by enterprises and employees respectively according to a certain proportion of wage income. We are good at employee benefits administration & management and provide professional employee payroll outsourcing services.

What is Mandatory Benefits Management?
Government mandated employee benefits refers to the various welfare support and services provided by the government for different groups in laws and regulations and is a variety of basic benefits that enterprises must provide for employees.

The purpose of compulsory employee benefits is to ensure the basic life and safety of citizens, maintain social equity, and promote social stability and sustainable development.

Specifically, statutory social welfare, with the purpose of reducing the possibility of serious work-related injury or unemployment workers falling into poverty.

To protect the livelihood of their dependants and maintain the income level of retirees.

What Are Some Common Mandatory Benefits?
Health insurance (in many countries)

Social Security contributions

Workers' compensation insurance

Unemployment insurance

Minimum wage

Overtime pay

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States

As a reliable employee benefits management company, we will do our best to meet all the needs of clients.

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