The classic Phantasy Star games matter in a sense


The classic Phantasy Star games matter in a sense, since a number of the references in PSO2 may appear weird otherwise. In fact, we saw many players in this subreddit complaining about that (with good reasons for that admittedly) when these episodes came out.

Outside the classics, not one of the PS matches need to be a continuation of a preceding one. They frequently have a history that is similar PSO1 gets the subject of a lost culture looking for a world to live, which can be present in among those classics. And PSO2 has something of a corrupted figurehead, which also looks like another classic.

PC users get to play each single 1st party Xbox Studios' game because of Spencer on Day 1. Nobody has ever worked harder in the industry (maybe Todd Howard hawking Skyrim) to create their games more available across different programs than Phil Spencer. Between what like Banjo in Smash, and the backwards compatibility app Xcloud, his drive for crossplay, Game Pass, I don't understand how you could come to the end Spencer is anything other.

I'll be one of the first to criticize Xbox's 1st party game portfolio under his leadership up to now, but the idea that he's scheming against gamers' interest on another stage is absurd.

Thus, to play devil's advocate for a minute: are the PC players"eligible" for needing to have any kind of info about a sport that was designed, developed and originally released for PC, to even know if it's really coming or not given that the last time that they were guaranteed a release it wound vanishing for several years.

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