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Remember when we mentioned the Darkmoon Faire? Arguably the best aspect of this festival is that the accession of the Darkmoon Faire cards that, once combined, produce epic trinkets.

The most essential of these trinkets is your Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon, which is druids in addition to greatest in slot for priests. It provides the wearer a passive 2% chance on successful spell cast of allowing 100% of mana regeneration to continue while casting for another 15 seconds once equipped. This is a huge improvement to the mana healers can access, providing endurance to the raid.

Purchasing Aqua Quintessences in the Hydraxian Waterlords gets tiring. Particularly when you have to do it. Thankfully, Stage 3 brings Eternal Quintessences. And as the name suggests, it is going to last you for the rest of your classic travel. There is one caveat. To put it differently, for being a MC raider your punishment is journeys to Azshara. But look on the bright side! At least your guild kept you around.

Those winter squid aren't currently going to fish! Assuming you are not in a super high-effort guild, you may find difficulty coming up to bring another raid into your weekly program. As your party will be wiping until all of the raid members perfect the mechanics of every fight, turning a raid that should have taken two or three hours into an event, progression raids can be taxing. The longer you spend raiding the time you'll have to prepare for raids, therefore get a step ahead of the game and farm your consumables now.

WoW Classic: Things To Do Before BWL Drops
