Injection Molding Style


With the development of plastic injection molding industry, the tradition plastic injection ways are no longer meet the requirements of moderns products. All these special products drives the reformation of injection industry. After that we see varied injection molding style now. The following pages Feman will show you the strength in insert moulding, Gas assist molding, 2k injection molding ( over mold & rotary table ) and unscrewing mold. 

Types of Plastic Moulding
2K /2 Shot Injection Molding    
Gas Assisted Injection Molding    
Insert Molding    
Uscrew Injection Molding    

Plastic Injection Moulding Process Steps
WirecutPart EvaluationMold Design And ApprovalOrder Steel And ConfirmDrillingCNCEDMMold Assemble

Feman is a professional injection mold manufacturers china, we provide china home appliance mould, cheap injection molding and etc. Want to know plastic parts manufacturing process or types of plastic moulding process? Please contact us.
