Beihua University


Beihua University China
CategoryPublic University
AttributeJointly funded by provinces and ministries
Preponderant Discipline
Marxist theory, history, electrical engineering, forestry, clinical medicine, business administration, landscape architecture, forestry, world history

Key Majors
International economy and trade, marketing, accounting, tourism management, administration, business management, logistics management, ideological and political education, law, sociology, history, physical education (normal), sports training, school education, psychology, preschool education, education technology, digital media technology, the faculty of arts, international broadcasting and hosting art, Chinese language and literature, Chinese education, music, music performance, dance, painting, fine arts, environmental design, product design, visual communication design, sculpture, Japanese, English, Spanish, Korean, Russian, mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computing science, statistics,School of Economic Statistics, Physics, Material Physics, New Energy Materials and Devices, Biological Science, Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation, Material Forming and Control Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Information Engineering

Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Testing Technology and Instruments, Electronic Information Engineering, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Communication Engineering, Software Engineering, Network Engineering, Computer Science and Technology

Total Students27000
International Students/
Program Taught in English
Clinical Medicine, Business Administration

Monthly Living Cost(RMB)1000

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