Anhui Agricultural University


Anhui Agricultural University
CategoryPublic University
AttributeKey University of Anhui Province
Preponderant Discipline
Biology, chemistry, ecology, mechanical engineering, computer science and technology, public management, applied economics, business administration, atmospheric science, food science and engineering, urban and rural planning, environmental science and engineering, crop, horticulture, agricultural resources utilization, plant protection, animal husbandry, aquatic products, veterinary medicine, forestry, agriculture and forestry economic management, landscape architecture, the grass
Key Majors
Seed science and engineering, visual communication design, environmental design, product design, clothing and apparel design, computer science and technology, communication engineering, network engineering, logistics engineering, electronic information engineering, agronomy, pratacultural science, plant protection, animal and plant quarantine, gardening, facilities, agriculture, science and engineering, wood science and engineering, urban and rural planning, forestry, landscape architecture., materials science and engineering, aquaculture, animal science, animal medicine, tea science, food hygiene, nutrition, food science and engineering, food quality and safety, tea culture and trade, biotechnology and biological sciences, biological pharmacy, application of biological sciences, was bornState science, environmental science, environmental engineering, agricultural resources and environment, geographic information science, agricultural mechanization and automation, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, agricultural construction environment and energy engineering, vehicle engineering, agricultural water conservancy engineering, electrical engineering and its automation, civil engineering, textile engineering, fashion design and engineering, packaging engineering
Total Students24000
International Students/
Program Taught in English
Tea Science, Biology, Fruit Science, Vegetable Science, Tea Science, Fruit Science, Vegetable Science
Monthly Living Cost(RMB)1000

Seed Science and EngineeringChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250SpringJan. 2nd to May. 30th
AgronomyChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Pratacultural ScienceChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Plant ProtectionChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Animal Or Plant QuarantineChineseScience44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
GardeningChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Facility Agriculture Science and EngineeringChineseEngineering44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Wood Science and EngineeringChineseEngineering44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
Urban and Rural PlanningChineseEngineering44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th
ForestryChineseAgronomy44261 Year Years160002250Jan. 2nd to May. 30th

If you want to study in china, please contact us.

