Beijing Jiaotong University


Beijing Jiaotong University China
CategoryPublic University
Attribute211,985,first-rate unversities and disciplines
Preponderant Discipline
Communication engineering, software engineering (set up 3 professional directions), logistics management, transportation, mechanical engineering and automation, economics, computer science and technology, civil engineering, traffic engineering, automation, electrical engineering and automation

Key Majors
Traffic information engineering and control

Electronic Science and technology

Information and Communication Engineering

Electronic information


Industrial Economics

International Trade

Labor Economics

management science

Logistics management and Engineering

information management

Engineering and project management


business management

tourism management

Technical economy and management

public administration


Application Statistics


business administration

Accounting Chinese 2

Engineering Management Chinese 2

Industrial Engineering and management Chinese 2

Logistics engineering and management Chinese / English 2

School of transportation system science Chinese 3

Control science and Engineering Chinese 3

Transportation planning and management Chinese 3

Safety science and Engineering Chinese 3

E-commerce Chinese 3

Logistics engineering and management Chinese 2

Transportation Chinese / English 2

Civil engineering, College of civil engineering, Chinese / English 3

Road and Railway Engineering Chinese 3

Mechanics Chinese 3

Environmental Science and Engineering Chinese 3

The application of transport tools in the Institute of mechanical and electronic control engineering 3

Mechanical design and theory Chinese 3

Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Chinese 3

Mechanical manufacturing and Its Automation Chinese 3

Power machinery and Engineering Chinese 3

Thermal Engineering Chinese 3

Materials science and Engineering Chinese 3

Vehicle Engineering Chinese 3

Industrial Engineering Chinese 3

Electrical engineering, College of electrical engineering, Chinese / English 3

Basic mathematics of Science 3

Computational mathematics Chinese 3

Probability theory and mathematical statistics Chinese 3

Applied mathematics Chinese 3

Operational research and cybernetics Chinese 3

Physics Chinese 3

Biology Chinese 3

System theory Chinese 3

Statistics Chinese 3

Optical Engineering Chinese 3

Chemical engineering and Technology Chinese 3

Materials and Chemical Engineering Chinese 2

College of language and communication Chinese journalism 3

News and communication (professional degree) Chinese 2

Software engineering of software academy 3

Electronic information Chinese / English 2

College of architecture and art urban and rural planning Chinese 3

Architecture Chinese 3

Design Chinese 3

Art design (professional degree) Chinese 2

Architecture (professional degree) Chinese 2

Urban and rural planning English 2

Law School of law

Total Students25569
International Students/
Program Taught in English
business administration

Logistics engineering and management


civil engineering

electrical engineering

Electronic information

Urban and rural planning

Monthly Living Cost(RMB)1600

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