Some Related Terms of Filecoin


1. Address
In the Filecoin network, an address is a unique encrypted value used to publicly identify a user. This value, a public key, is paired with the corresponding private key. The mathematical relationship between the two keys is such that access to the private key allows the creation of signatures that can be verified with the public key. Filecoin uses the Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signature scheme specifically for this.

2. Blockage

In a blockchain, a block is the basic unit of record. Each block is cryptographically linked to one or more previous blocks. Blocks typically contain messages related to some state tracked by the blockchain, such as financial records.

3. Blockchain

Fundamentally, a blockchain is a system of record where new records or blocks are cryptographically linked to previous records. This structure is the foundational component of a secure, verifiable, and distributed transaction ledger.

4. Block height

A block of height a corresponds to the number of epochs through which the block was added to the previous blockchain. The height of the Filecoin blockchain is defined as the maximum height of any block in the blockchain.

5. Capacity Commitment

If storage miners do not find any attractive available transaction proposals, they can also make capacity commitments to fill sectors with arbitrary data instead of customer data. Maintaining this sector allows storage miners to prove that they are reserving space on behalf of the network.

6. Collateral

In order to conclude a storage transaction, storage miners need to provide FIL as collateral to be paid to clients as compensation in the event that the miner fails to meet their storage commitments.

7. Transaction

Two participants in the Filecoin network can come to an agreement where one party signs a service contract with the other party. The Filecoin crypto specification currently details storage transactions (in which one party agrees to store data for the other party for a specified length of time) and retrieval transactions (in which one party agrees to transmit specified data to the other party).

8. Elections
Every epoch, a small fraction of Filecoin's storage miners are elected to a new block of the Filecoin blockchain. The probability of a miner being selected is roughly proportional to their share of the total storage capacity of the Filecoin network.

9. Times

Time in the Filecoin blockchain is discretized into epochs that are currently 30 seconds in length. Each epoch, a subset of storage miners is elected to add a new block to the Filecoin blockchain via Winning Proof-of-Spacetime.

10. FIL

FIL is the name for Filecoin's monetary unit; it can also be represented by the double-stroke (⨎) Unicode symbol for points.

11. Faucet

One tap is to provide free service FIL. Typically, faucets are run for the benefit of new users in the network, providing them with the seed capital they need to start transacting.
12. Fault

When a storage miner fails to complete window verification for a given sector, the Filecoin network registers a fault for the sector and the miner is slashed. If storage miners don't resolve failures quickly, the network thinks they've given up on their commitments.
13. Filecoi

The term Filecoin is generally used to refer to the Filecoin project, protocol and network.

14. Certainty
Finality refers to the immutability of messages and states recorded to the Filecoin blockchain. As new blocks are added to the blockchain, it becomes increasingly difficult to change old blocks until they become practically unmodifiable. The expiry period is the amount of time that must elapse before time is considered a block to be completely unchanged. In the current mainnet, this is constructed as 900 epochs.

15. Gas
Gas is a property of a message that corresponds to the resources involved in including that message in a given block. For each message contained in a block, the creator of the block draws a fee from the sender of the message; this fee is proportional to the gas of the message.

16. Information

The term message is used to refer to data stored as part of a block. A block can contain multiple messages.

17. Miners

The Filecoin project uses the term miner to refer to participants in the network that provide valuable services to customers. Currently, the Filecoin specification recognizes two types of miners: storage miners and retrieval miners.

18. Pledge storage

The storage capacity that miners commit to reserve for the Filecoin network through proof-of-replication is called pledged storage.

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