The Relationship Between Filecoin and Ipfx


1. Filecoin and IPFX

When it comes to Filecoin, you have to consider IPFS (Interplanetary File System). Both projects are maintained by Protocol Labs. Many people confuse the two projects, but they are two completely different products.

IPFS is not a blockchain project. It is a protocol that handles the distribution and location of data, similar to the current HTTP protocol. The difference is that IPFS data transmission is based on a peer-to-peer P2P network. The more nodes participating in data transmission, the faster the transmission efficiency, similar to the commonly used torrent download protocol. Current data storage in the IPFS network is entirely voluntary. Popular resources may be stored in multiple nodes, and some unevaluated data may be flushed from the system cache.

As a blockchain project, Filecoin takes the token economy as the core, which can make up for the lack of data storage incentives in IPFS. IPFS-based applications have very high requirements on data storage and the number of nodes, but if there is no incentive mechanism, no one is willing to contribute their own resources for free. Filecoin miners can contribute many nodes and resources to the IPFS network through economic incentives, so we generally believe that Filecoin exists as an IPFS incentive layer and has a complementary relationship.

IPFS and Filecoin are independent of each other, because the two are not coupled in the technical system, which means that FIL filecoin can operate independently of IPFS, and IPFS can also choose other incentive methods. The main network of IPFS has been online since 2015 and is running well. The combination of the two can produce wonderful chemistry, and the two complement each other to build an imaginative world of data distribution and storage.

2. Filecoin - How to mine?

Filecoin testnet Lotus has been released. According to the official statement, Lotus is an experimental implementation of Filecoin, independent of the go-Filecoin code of the main network. But Lotus also implements a series of functions such as wallets, miners, PoRep, and PoSt.

To be clear, Lotus is an experimental product of Filecoin, while go-Filecoin is a complete implementation of the final mainnet.

According to the official deployment document, a machine with a minimum hardware configuration in the Lotus test network requires at least: 2TB hard disk space, 8-core CPU, and 128GB memory. Although these hardware standards may be modified as the code is iterated, it has been prohibitive for most private miners. But one possible approach is to combine some inexpensive devices into clusters to provide similar capabilities. There are few related cases of cluster deployment in the industry, and this approach may work.

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