AR Solutions of Warehousing Logistics


Smart logistics requires the combination of software and AR glasses to present visualized information in real-time, unified management of warehouses, including the registration and recording of goods in and out of the warehouse and ar order picking to realize rapid real-time query and traceability of information.

Why Use Augmented Reality In Logistics?

Augmented Reality Picking
By wearing Chinese smart glasses warehouse, all express delivery information will be displayed in front of the operator, which means augmented reality in logistics. AR glasses will help him quickly and easily find the location of the corresponding product in the warehouse to achieve virtual reality in supply chain.

The camera on the augmented reality prescription glasses can continuously scan any visible QR code or barcode, and then display its information in a 3D layer.

Virtual Warehouse in Supply Chain Management
During transportation, ar glass as a tool of augmented reality in supply chain can provide a visual navigation display of routes in real-time and cargo status information to realize virtual reality in logistics.

As one of smart ar glasses manufacturers, Goolton offers the Latest AR glasses C200-S with a high-transmittance waveguide display, adjustable display, IP66 waterproof, Ex explosion-proof, 2M anti-drop. The Chinese AR glasses can be used in the security, Petroleum, and Petrochemical power Industry.

