

RDF Alternative Fuel

This bulky rdf waste mainly contains plastics, paper, textiles, and composite packaging. All of these materials have a high calorific value. RDF processing power plant uses advanced treatment technology to provide an alternative energy resource to the traditional energy carriers, this high calorific fractions are produced from industrial waste by solid waste treatment equipment.

The "treatment module" for the creation of alternative fuels can incorporate both industrial and municipal waste systems. The objective is to increase waste recovery, decrease landfill space, and provide fuels for various processes to gain electrical and thermal energy.

Hengchuang provides customers with the most effective solution to produce solid recycled fuel or waste fuel. The RDF baler used by Hengchuang can produce fuel rods with a high calorific value and maximize the separation of waste from combustible materials.

There are many waste handling equipment manufacturers in China, but we are one of the best choices for you.

