How To Know The Quality Of The Spindle


First: Check the accuracy of the spindle motor

To fullfill the basic requirements for a constant power spindle motor, the machine should be able to work for a long time without failure, and its processing should be smooth. A simple method of checking your spindle is to shake the spindle collet with your hands and check is there any looseness.

Then, you can try to restart the spindle motor, so as to check whether the rotation of the motor is smooth and whether the knives are swaying or vibrating. If so, the motor is then proved to be not precise enough.

After that, listen to the voice generated by the rotation of the spindle and check whether the voice is delicate. If it's loud and there is jarring noise or even the sound of broken tiles, the precision of the main shaft bearing or the installation is poor.

Second: Check the strength of the spindle motor

The main factor affecting the strength of the spindle is the power of spindle motors. Only high power can guarantee the strength to satisfy the requirement for processing wooden products.

When you check the strength of a motor, you can listen to the voice of the spindle motor's operation. Except for abnormal sound, the louder the sound of wind and force generated by the operation of the spindle, the larger the power. The greater the power of the spindle, the larger the volume of the motor.

Third: Check the running speed of the spindle motor

For seeking efficiency, the speed should be as fast as possible within the limits of strength, such as high speed spindle motors. However, in consideration of the machine's service life, it is better not to let the machine work at full capacity the whole time.

Fourth: Check the wear and tear of the spindle motor

This factor is mainly determined by the processing intensity and the working time of the spindle motor. As for the check in this part, you can test the surface temperature of the spindle motor. If the surface temperature of the spindle motor increases faster and faster and the terminal temperature is very high, the precision or heat dissipation of the spindle motor is poor. In this case, the spindle may be damaged of the motor continues working. Therefore, when choosing motors, the cooling method of the spindle motor should be considered fully. On the current market, available motorized motors mainly use water-cooled and air-cooled spindle motor, and water-cooled motor tools have more reliable cooling methods and effectiveness.

HYCNC, one of the professional CNC components manufacturers, can provide quality CNC machine components.
