Thousands of Metabolites with One Assay
Thousands of Metabolites with One Assay
Last week our proprietary approach of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics was profiled in the May Issue of MetaboNews, and we shared some of the technology benefits in our previous article. We have discussed accurate annotation and quantification, large curated database and high data reproducibility. Here we want to highlight some capabilities and features, which we did not cover last week.
As discussed, widely-targeted metabolomics is a two-step process. First, nontargeted metabolomics using high-resolution mass spectrometers is performed to collect primary and secondary mass spectrometry data from animal, plant or human samples. These data are compared against databases (public database and in-house library) for high throughput metabolite identification. After that, targeted metabolomics analysis using low-resolution QQQ mass spectrometers in MRM mode is performed to collect mass spectrometry data and metabolite quantity from each sample based on the metabolites detected from the high-resolution mass spectrometer.
Widely-targeted metabolomics is broadly used for biomedical as well as agri-food applications. We have studies human and animal samples, including plasma, serum, feces, and a variety of tissues (liver, kidney, intestine, brain, placenta, etc.). In animal and human samples this assay detected on average 1800 metabolites in plasma or serum samples, 2000 metabolites in fecal samples, and 1800 metabolites in tissue samples (see image below). The range of metabolites was detected, spanning essential categories such as amino acids, organic acids, nucleotides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerophospholipids, and hormones.
This technology was originally developed for plant samples, and we continue to use it for agri-food application with a broad range on plant sample types. Using Widely-Targeted Metabolomics technology, Metware Library Bio has assayed over 500 plant species. The number of detected metabolites has grown from on average 800 metabolites to 1900 metabolites. Of these, we can distinguish about 700 primary metabolites and 1200 secondary metabolites, which are a diverse set of compounds that confer competitive advantage to the plant’s environment1-3. Our databases can assist in the development of new plant-based products or therapeutic agents based on these secondary metabolite detections4,5.
Over the interactions with researchers, clinicians, and breeders, MetwareBio has taken their insights on how they want to visualize metabolomics data and developed a comprehensive tool set for the research community to use. The tools offered in Metware Cloud include individual statistical analytical and visualization tools (e.g. PCA, heatmap, violin plots); it also provides end-to-end differential analysis. The data input is system agnostic such that you may upload the data for analysis if it adheres to the input format. Any services performed at MetwareBio will have automatic access to MetwareCloud. It is currently free to register and to use by the public as well. More information can be found at
More details about our assays portfolio (including sample reports) can be found on other pages of this website. And by connecting with us on Twitter and LinkedIn you will always stay updated on our promotional offers, events where you can meet us and new publications on metabolomics, lipidomics and multiomics.
More details of metabolome project, please visit our website.
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