Basic Knowledge About Metabolomics Service
Metabonomics (Metabolomics) is an emerging discipline developed in the late 1990s, which is the study of metabolites (endogenous metabolites) after organisms are disturbed (such as genetic changes or environmental changes). The science of types, quantities and their changing laws.
Metabolomics focuses on the study of the metabolic pathways of endogenous metabolites in the whole organism, organ or tissue, the influence of internal or external factors and the law of changes over time. Metabolomics reflects a series of physiological or pathological developmental processes by revealing the overall change trajectory of an organism's metabolism under the influence of internal and external factors.
What are the research methods of metabolomics?
It is determined according to whether there is a research target or direction. When metabolites or metabolic pathways are uncertain, non-targeted metabolomics can be used to find entry points. When there is a target, targeted quantitative research can be used to conduct in-depth research. Lipidomics analysis service techniques can then be used. In addition, the latest, Spectrum Bio, one of the metabolomics service providers, also provides metabolomics technology services based on stable isotope tracer technology to study metabolic flux issues.
What are the characteristics of metabolomics?
Metabolism is at the end of systems biology and can better reflect the real situation of the interaction between genes and the external environment. Therefore, it is more applicable to most biological phenotype studies.
Conventional metabolomics only focuses on endogenous compounds, and metabolomics techniques are also used to determine exogenous compounds. Up- and down-regulation of endogenous compounds indicates effects related to disease, toxicity, genetic modification or environmental factors.
High-throughput quantitative and qualitative study of biological small molecule compounds.
The results of endogenous compounds can be used as potential biomarkers for disease diagnosis, drug screening or other typing assessments.
What is untargeted metabolomics and targeted metabolomics?
The metabonomics and metabolomics difference:
Untargeted metabolomics refers to non-targeted metabolomics or discovery metabolomics, which unbiasedly detects and analyzes all small molecule metabolites (generally, the relative molecular weight is less than 1000) at the same time. .
Targeted metabolomics (Trgeted metabolomics) is targeted metabolomics, focusing on qualitative and quantitative detection, analysis and research of set target metabolites.
The metabolome project is the compendium of metabolites in a system. Metabolites are small chemical compounds, such as glucose, vitamins, and flavonoids, that are < 1200 Da. Many metabolites directly impact physiological traits.
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