HVAC CNC Plasma Cutting Machine



The air duct making machine series have complete technology and mature technology; the bending machine series are energy-efficient, high-precision, and the cutting machine series use high-quality laser cutting heads with high-precision parts.

CNC plasma cutting machine is mainly for automatically lofting and cutting the deformed workpiece. You should select a drawing from the new version of CAM-DUCT and input dimensions and choose a way of connection,then the software will begin calculating, composing, jacking and cutting automatically.

Rigid frame built with thick concrete plate steel to ensure function stability and durability.

High-speed cutting with great precision
CNC Plasma metal cutting machine can cut a lot of duct shapes that are needed in production. It can meet rectangle and round pipe production. It has lots of advantages,a small computer-operated display, it does not occupy a place and easy to operate.But it has Beijing Starfire CNC system the best system in China for round pipe elbow fabrication cutting. Beijing Starfire CNC system is stable, with production memory function, you can also enter the graphics you want to enter, just need to write a new program.

The machine adopts the latest CAM-DUCT software which is easy to learn and operate. Choose the size and shape you need and leave the rest to the plasma cutting machine itself running automatically!

