
1.How long ago: About half a year is recommended. But now, wedding hotels need to book one year in advance, so the date of marriage is also moving forward. There are also those who proposing a marriage one year ahead of schedule.
2. How to mention marriage:
1) Ask the bridegroom to ask gils' parents if he can come to proposing a marriage.
2) The prospective bride will test the meaning of her parents first.
3. Pre-proposal: Visit the parents officially, dress neatly and politely,such as champagne color bridesmaid or classic vintage wedding dresses. Tell them you are going to get married. Afterwards, confirm the date of the proposal, ask the parents about the date and time they can take, and show respect.
4. Date of proposing a marriage:
Don't look at the day, as long as it's a beautiful day. If you have special attention, you can choose the double number of the lunar calendar, or the day when the lunar calendar is double, it will be more gratifying, some elders like to have days with number six. Note that the first month and July of the lunar calendar are not suitable for marriage.
5. Proposing time: The time in the morning should not exceed 12 noon.
6. Number of family members: It's better to have a double number, such as 6 persons(excluding children). Parents must be present (or the elder representative of the family or a strong person)+bridegroom-to-be. The older generation only needs matchmakers to come. There are aunt generation can not go together, such as aunt, little aunt (sister). Custom has the aunt generation appears, the bride will be isolated after she entered bridegroom's family.
7. With the gift: sweet things (not limited to a few), round cake (representing things can be full), apple gift box, table auspicious joy (can not buy pears). The hand-to-hand ceremony should be double-digit. When send it, the man's parents can add a few words to show their sincerity.
8. Newly-wed should not interrupt: let adults talk to themselves to show respect.

