Why Aluminum Is Widely Used in Construction



Aluminum is one of the most used building materials in the world. In America, the construction industry uses more than three billion pounds of aluminum per year; most of them for roofing installation projects.

Here are the best reasons you should choose aluminum for metal roofing installation:

It Comes in Numerous Shapes and Styles

Aluminum is the epitome of ductility. It can take on different forms to suit unique roof designs without compromising any of its physical properties. Whether you have a sloped or flat roof, large panels of aluminum with a small number of joints can be made to reduce the chances of leakage.

It Is Lightweight

Experienced metal roofing contractors, including Classic Metal Roofs, praise aluminum’s versatility. It’s one of the lightest metals used in construction, making it easier to apply regardless of the size of the roof. If it’s being used as a replacement material for asphalt roofing, it wouldn’t require costly and time-consuming structural modifications to support its weight.

It Resists Rust

Because it doesn’t contain iron, aluminum is proof against rust. Although it’s not immune to corrosion, specially formulated alloys made from it exhibit exceptional anti-corrosive qualities.

It Reflects Radiant Heat Effectively

Aluminum minimizes radiant heat transfer from outside to inside effectively. By crowning your home with it, you can prevent the sun from turning your interior into a furnace during the hottest months.

It Lends Itself to Coating Application

Compared to other metal roofing options, aluminum ones are more receptive to coatings. Since most coating systems are colorfast, reflective, and low-maintenance, applying one can help improve your aluminum roof’s charm, energy efficiency, and durability.

It Lives Many Lifetimes

Aluminum is completely recyclable without losing its natural qualities, making it one of the most sustainable and environment-friendly materials on the planet. At Classic Metal Roofs, our aluminum roofs comprise 95% of recycled beverage cans. If you want your home to bear a green building certification, invest in an aluminum roofing system.
