Freshwater Angelfish


Angelfish (also known as Pterophyllum scalare) is unique freshwater cichlid species from South America. They are the most popular freshwater species, with tall fins and smooth scales, and are favored by many aquarium owners. Angelfish tend to grow colorful, slender, and about 6 inches long. When angelfish are raised in the aquarium with their own species, they behave very quietly, unlike other very small species, especially those that live up to 10 years.
Aquarium Habitat
Angelfish prefer a small-capacity aquarium. The minimum capacity can be a 20-gallon aquarium. If you want to use a larger-capacity aquarium, it is recommended to use a higher aquarium instead of a wider one. A temperature range of 23-280 degrees Celsius (73-82 degrees Fahrenheit) and an acidic pH (6-7) are ideal for angelfish. These fish can live peacefully and enjoy an intensively planted aquarium. Small fish and fin-nipping fish shouldn’t be kept with angelfish in the same aquarium since they tend to show aggressive behavior if the tank is overcrowded.
In addition, in crowded aquariums, water dirt and ammonia levels increase rapidly. Therefore, it is important to check the water for ammonia content weekly, change the water weekly, and replace the filter media weekly.
Angelfish are omnivorous fish, but they are mainly carnivorous. In nature, they feed on small crustaceans and aquatic invertebrates, while in aquariums, their diet can vary based on a commercially formulated cichlid diet: flakes or pellets, and live, frozen, or dried food in the form of bloodworms, white-worms, and/or brine shrimp. Additionally, algae wafers and vegetables are also recommended for a plant source diet.
Angelfish breed in pairs. Since it is difficult to distinguish between males and females, breeding should start in separate breeding tanks. Genital papillae of male angelfish can be seen only during mating periods; however, males tend to be more aggressive than the females as well.A healthy angelfish selection is very important for breeding; genetically weakfish should be eliminated from the tank.
First, six small angelfish should be placed in a separate fish tank and let them choose a mate separately. Breeding pairs can also be purchased from stores to make the breeding process faster. Spawning can be observed when the female angelfish lay eggs and the male angelfish fertilizes each egg.
After breeding is finished, adult angelfish should be transferred to community tanks, because sometimes angelfish parents often eat eggs and newborn fry. In the breeding tank, water should be clean and of the highest quality with normal water temperature.
If the water in the fish tank is found to be clean and not overcrowded after a period of time, the angelfish is likely not to get sick, otherwise, it will not. For aquarium owners who want to raise angelfish species, it is necessary to know these things: the most common diseases of angelfish are angelfish virus, flagellates, angelfish parasites and capillary symptoms. Angelfish virus is a deadly disease, which can easily infect the whole population. In 2-3 days when the symptoms (clamped fins, excess slime, lifeless) appear, the fish should be moved into the quarantine tank.
If the fish still shows symptoms, it should be killed. The survival of this disease depends on the immune system of the fish, as there is no medical treatment for this viral disease. Protozoans produce flagellates, which can occur when fish are stressed, such as overcrowding, poor water quality, or limited food. In the wild, Hexamita can occur in all angelfish whereas an outbreak causes a significant problem. If the fish exhibits white feces and decreased appetite without any external symptoms it should be separated into a quarantine tank until the condition gets better. Parasites, such as the common Capillaria and gill flukes, are another important health problem. Capillaria is a worm-like hair about one-inch in size and the eggs can be found in the feces of the fish.
Disease Treatment
Before treating any disease that angelfish may contract, first consult a medical professional. In addition, some practical information can help prevent fish diseases. If there are parasite problems, higher aquarium temperatures may be useful, not for viral and bacterial diseases. If you find that your fish is infected with a disease, be sure to investigate other species in the aquarium to avoid an outbreak.
We provide the best quality freshwater planting tanks and aquarium supplies at the best prices. If you want more information about angelfish or anything else, please continue to visit our website or you can contact us immediately.

Aquarium supplies for Freshwater Angelfish:
Fish breeding supplies
buy aquarium lights online
Fish tank heater controller
Aquarium cleaning kit

