Add and Clean Decorations in Your Fish Tank


In terms of adding decoration to the fish tank, there are certain limitations. If you like, you can even buy miniature replicas of Bikini Bottom or Stonehenge. The pet shop's shelves are filled with all kinds of weird things such as fake rocks, corals, and sunken ships. These items are specifically designed for fish tanks. This means that these materials will not deteriorate if immersed in water for a long time.

Adding Decorations to Your Fish Tank
There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing decorations for your tank. You need to know how big the bottom of your tank is. You also need to keep in mind anything else you might already have. Are you adding plants? How many? The last thing you need to keep in mind is exactly what you want your tank to look like. Many people often go overboard when it comes to picking out decorations for their tank. It can be really easy to do and let's face it, it's really fun to pick things out for your tank. Just keep in mind how much space you have to work with. Do you really have room for that sunken ship, fake corals, and the giant treasure chest? Sometimes simpler is better. One large piece and a couple of smaller pieces are all you need, especially if you are adding plants.
You may want to add real corals and driftwood. It may be dangerous. You don't want to add any disease or parasite to your fish tank. Also disturbing coral reefs is illegal in many places, not to mention extremely frowned upon in the aquarist and diver communities. Since I do not support this practice, I will not discuss it further. But, I will say this: Live coral loses its color once it dies, and wouldn't you rather have fake coral that has a realistic color instead of a white mass in your tank?

Sometimes people tend to add things that aren’t suitable for a fish tank. You will be surprised at what some people want to decorate. Sharp edges, concrete, copper, and plastics that have been painted should not be put in your fish tank. Why? These items will cause problems. Copper is toxic to fish and concrete is going to leach chemicals into your tank. Sharp edges can harm your fish and should always be avoided. Paint can flake off or poison your fish. If you ever put something in your tank and notice that it seems to be flaking or the paint is disappearing, remove it immediately.
If in doubt, don't add it to your tank. Safety is better than regret. After all, do you really want to put your fish in danger in order to keep your fish tank with faux jewelry? Always remember that no matter what you add, you have to rinse it thoroughly before putting it in.
How to Clean Aquarium Decorations
No matter what you use to decorate, except for living plants, you always need to clean it up. You need some basic tools to clean your water tank and decoration. Bristle brushes, upholstery brushes, and gravel cleaning tools are several things that are recommended. Be sure to choose the item that matches your fish tank, and remember that acrylic is more likely to be scratched than glass, so never use rough brushes or mats on acrylic fish tanks.
1. Scrub Off Algae and Gunk
The first thing you want to do is scrub off any algae or gunk from your decorations and the walls of the tank. The hard-bristled brush is good for scrubbing the decorations and the soft pads, especially with the long handles, are good for the walls.
2. Change the Water
Once you have scrubbed the algae, it is time for the water change.
3. Clean the Substrate
Cleaning the substrate is easy, and you remove your water at the same time. Two birds with one stone, what is better than that? A gravel wash tube is typically an acrylic tube with a flexible hose that goes into a bucket. The acrylic tube and hose use suction to shake up the gravel and pull dirty water, detritus, and poop through the hose and into the bucket. (aquarium cleaning kit)
How often the rubble is cleared depends on several factors. How many fish do you have? Do you often overfeed fish? Do you have plants that have dropped leaves? Even if your tank is of good water quality, you should consider doing a small gravel wash once a week to remove excess food, feces and debris Crumbs.
Cleaning the decorations in the water tank can make them brighter and make the water tank healthier. It's also very satisfying to see all the gunk removed by you from the gravel of your tank. We have multiple betta fish tank for sale, If you are interested in the best fish tank ornaments, please check out our aquarium decoration products for more!

