Easily Feed Fish in the Aquarium When on Vacation



Some people think keeping aquariums are not for traveling because the fish will be left unattended. You can't easily carry the aquarium around with you, unlike people who keep cats or dogs.
If you are planning your vacation, you can only choose to leave the fish at home. It can be a bit scary to think about it. Your whole holiday has been worrying about how your fish is doing and whether it will starve.
The following article will share tips that will allow you to take a vacation peacefully. When you are not home, you can use these simple tips to make your fish eat well and thrive. Whether your fish is in saltwater or freshwater tanks, these options are useful to you.
So enjoy your holiday happily, knowing that your fish won't starve to death.
Should Your Fish Be Fed when You Go on Vacation?
Automatic Aquarium Feeder

Believe it or not, many fish can survive for weeks without food. In the wild, the survival environment of fish is much more difficult than that of aquarium fish ... a good full meal may not appear for days or even weeks.
So, how long can fish live without food? Almost all fish can eat for two or three days-many experienced fish keepers will be happy to not feed fish during this time.
If you are planning a short weekend holiday, this is great news to know.
But what if you want a longer vacation? What is the longest time can fish go without feeding them?
How long your fish can go without eating before they starve depends on their size or age, herbivores or carnivores and the types of Teh fish. The size and age of fish often determine how long they can live without food. Simply put, larger / older fish have more fat reserves that they can take advantage of when they are not fed for a while. Another factor is what your fish eats. Herbivores need to eat daily, while carnivores can live for days between meals. These are not hard rules and can vary depending on the type of fish in your aquarium.
Automatic Fish Feeder
Digital automatic fish feeder

Your next best option is to use an automatic fish feeder to help feed the fish. The working principle of this convenient device is actually very simple. Load your fish's favorite food, set the timer, and leave.
Whenever the timer starts, the automatic fish feeder dispense portions of fish treats for the fish. You can even set feeding multiple times a day. Some brands of fish food feeders have enough food for six weeks-more than enough time for your dream vacation!
Want to know more? Take a look at the fish feeders provided by Senzeal and find the perfect one for you!
Slow Release Fish Food to Feed Your Fish
Slow-release fish food is also known as vacation food-yes, it is clear that this product is designed for your fish when you leave home.
These small blocks of fish food have various shapes, sizes, and tastes! No matter whether you raise betta, bottom feeders or marine fish, there is always a meal that your fish friends will love.
At first glance, slow-release fish food is nothing special. Just a big piece of hard, oversized fish food.
But its working principle is actually very clever ... Have you ever seen a bathtub bomb hissing as soon as it comes into contact with water? Well, these blocks of fish food have a similar effect.
Aside from not dissolving before your very eyes, these blocks of fish food will break down within a few days. When the blocks get soften, it releases food into the fish tank, making your hungry fish happy.
Slow-release fish food is probably one of the cheapest solutions, and you can feed your fish while on vacation-a pack will only cost you a few dollars. Before you leave, simply throw a few blocks of food into your aquarium. And it’s done. Your fish won’t suffer from starvation.
Fish food blocks are sorted based on how long they can keep your fish eating. Weekend feeding blocks can last up to 3 days, just enough to feed your fish on weekends. The vacation feeder block is up to 14 days long, enough for a long trip or a relaxing holiday. These three simple and cheap ways can prevent your fish from starving when you are on vacation.
Feeding fish is important. Using these products will at least ensure that the fish are alive when you return home. If you have any interest, come to our website for more information about fake coral aquarium products.

