Stem Cell Therapy For Autoimmune Diseases


More and more successful clinical cases have shown that stem cells have good effects on immune regulation and tissue repair. Many patients with autoimmune diseases from all over the world choose to come to SQ1 medical center for stem cell therapy and had significant improvements.

Autoimmune Diseases That Stem Cell Treatment Can Treat
Lupus erythematosus: including cutaneous and systemic lupus erythematosus

Rheumatoid arthritis

Sjogren’s syndrome




Ankylosing spondylitis

Ulcerative colitis


Crohn's disease


Autoimmune thyroiditis

Autoimmune Diseases That Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat
Studies have found that stem cells have immunoregulatory functions on various immune cells in the body. According to the follow-ups of our patients, over 76% of the patients had significant relief of symptoms within one year after receiving treatment, and the recurrence rate was significantly reduced. Stem cell therapy has become a wise choice for patients with autoimmune diseases.

Learn More About Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are diseases in which the body’s immune system malfunctions and causes the body to attack its normal tissues. The immune system is the security system of the human body. Through the immune surveillance mechanism, it always watches over for any pathogen invasion or cell mutations throughout the body. Once an abnormality is found, the corresponding immune response program will be activated to eliminate and remove pathogens or diseased cells.
If the patient’s immune system is over-activated under the combination of genetic defects and predisposing factors, it may mistakenly attack its normal tissues and cells, resulting in organ and tissue damage in the body that leads to autoimmune diseases. Up till now, about 7.6-9.4% of the world’s population suffer from various types of autoimmune diseases. Generally, it is difficult to cure it after the onset of the disease. Most patients need long-term or even life-long medication.

Advantages Of Stem Cell Treatment For Autoimmune Diseases
At present, the clinical treatment of autoimmune disease is mainly with drug therapy, including glucocorticoids and various immunosuppressive agents. Drug therapy can only control the progression of the disease to a certain extent but cannot completely cure the disease. The immunosuppressive agents inhibit all the immune functions of the side effects and toxicity is relatively intensive.

Compared with conventional therapy, stem cell therapy has unique advantages:

Stem cell therapy
Conventional treatment
Curative Treatment or diseases management
Stem cell therapy is a new treatment for autoimmune diseases that aims to help restore normal function of the immune system by modulating immune system response and repairing/regenerating damaged cells and tissues in the body.

If you receive stem cell therapy at an early stage, it can reverse body damage caused by the immune response, thus reducing recurrence rates, freeing you from drug dependence, and even avoiding surgery.

The primary choice for autoimmune diseases is drug therapy. The main purpose of treatment is to inhibit the immune response and suppress inflammation in the body. Autoimmune diseases cannot be completely cured, and the recurrence rate is high.

When stem cells are infused back into the body, they can regulate the immune system back to normal functionality, significantly reduce the recurrence rate, and decrease the drug dosage needed. If the therapy is conducted at an early stage of the disease, it can completely reverse the drug dependence.

Stem cell experts based on your current level of disease and other comorbidities will design a customized protocol and decide, the number of stem cells, source of stem cells, and cycles of stem cell therapy.

If you choose drug therapy, you will find the dose of the drug increase slowly and gradually, and you will gradually develop resistance and require larger dosages or more powerful drugs.

No Side-effects as stem cells are our cells that are used to treat the disease and regenerate lung tissue to regain proper functioning.

Drugs may have side effects on the body, such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, adverse skin reactions, and rapid decline in immune function. The side effects are tremendous.

Stem cell therapy is performed by stem cell specialists which requires a special laboratory to process the stem cells and the medical set-up to extract and inject the stem cell.

The therapy is going to be injection-based and needs to be performed in a hospital.

It’s relatively easy to take medications, but the patient needs to take them repeatedly every day, which is prone to the development of drug dependence.

If treated in the early stage, in the long run, stem cell therapy can eliminate drug dependence, restore normal immune system functions, and return the patient to a healthy life. After the functional recovery of the immune system, the patients can eliminate the drug dependence and significantly reduce the recurrence rate. This is a long-term effect.

If conducted at a later stage, stem cell therapy can still reduce drug dosage, and in rare cases, you might need several treatment regimens.

The effect of drug therapy is short-term, and patients need to take medications daily, once stopped, the symptoms will resume or even worsen. You need to take medications for the whole lifetime.

Stem cells are a fundamental part of our body, and the main function of stem cells is to regulate the immune system and repair/regenerate damaged cells and help you avoid surgery.

If your symptoms are severe, surgery may be necessary, but surgery only helps to remove necrotic tissue but help little to heal the disease, your disease condition remains and continue to damage your body.

Recommended choice
How Can Stem Cell Therapy For Autoimmune Diseases Work

Immunomodulatory mechanisms: Stem cells suppress autoimmune responses and regulate immune balance by directly engaging immune cells and secreting a variety of immunoregulatory factors, therefore preventing the progression of autoimmune diseases.

Multidirectional differentiation potential: Stem cells can migrate directionally into damaged tissues and differentiate into functional cells of the corresponding tissue through the induction of tissue microenvironment, integrate with in situ cells of damaged tissues, and repair or rebuild the structure and function of damaged tissues.

Promote angiogenesis: After infusion of stem cells to the patients with damaged heart, liver, kidney, brain, and lung, capillary regeneration can be found by angiography, indicating that stem cells can promote the regeneration of blood vessels in damaged tissue and improve blood circulation.

Antioxidative stress: After the stem cells were infused into the body, the content of superoxide dismutase in the blood increased, and the apoptotic cells in the heart, liver, and kidney tissues decreased. This result confirmed that stem cells have anti-oxidative stress and anti-apoptotic effects.

SQ1 Stem Cell Transplantation Services
During the whole treatment process, we’ll provide complete and first-class medical services to you. And to ensure your treatment effect, you can consult your doctor any time after the treatment.

If you want to know more treatment of stem cell ulcerative colitis, stem cell psoriasis, stem cells for lupus, stem cell rheumatoid arthritis, please contact us.

Now the price of stem cell multiple sclerosis is reasonable, anything you need, please leave us a message.

