Supreme Lettuce Led Grow Lights


Growing lettuce indoors with grow lights can be changed with the lumen output (intensity) of the light to lettuce. Different type of plant being cultivated has different cultivation stage. Lettuce led grow lights will cater to the needs of lettuce germination period and vegetative period required to irradiate the specific range light of the spectrum.

Best Grow Lights for Lettuce
The service life of S1200+ Grow Lights is 10 times longer than that of ordinary energy-saving lamps, and far exceeds that of ordinary incandescent lamps. Although this type of lamp is more expensive, it is more efficient because it does not need to be replaced frequently, and it also saves electricity costs. S1200+ Grow Lights have a generate less heat compared with other lamps, thus eliminating the cost of expensive and complicated cooling systems.
If you want to know can lettuce grow under 24 hour light, please visit our website, and we will give you a detailed reply.

As one of growing light suppliers, we will offer different kinds of led glow lights for plants for sale, if you have interest, please leave us a message.

