Use the natural energy of crystal to heal


Crystal is one of the most powerful gemstones on earth, ideal for healing, improving mental abilities, meditation, lucid dreaming, enhancing imagination, and opening the third eye.
Crystals are all over the world. There are three main mining areas in the world: Brazil, Madagascar, and Mount Ida in Arkansas. Edgar Casey speculates that Atlantis is located near Binimi, if his guess is correct, and we assume that Atlantis uses crystal technology, then we can speculate that these crystals are most likely found in Arkansas, of course, there are rumors that they may come from another planet.
Some crystals contain impurities such as stripes, blisters, cracks, metal particles, halo, and mist. Many spiritual masters and therapists believe that this type of impurities actually enhances the supernatural properties of crystals, so please do not treat them as defective.
From the perspective of supernatural abilities, crystal represents a collection of five elements: earth, gas, fire, water, and ether.
Crystals grow deep in the earth, and most of them are formed in the earth's crust, but crystals, like the gas element, allow light to pass through. Crystals are piezoelectric, and their hexagonal molecular structure-similar to snowflakes looks like ice crystals. Crystal is a concrete manifestation of etheric elements or spiritual elements, which is equivalent to the cosmic vitality energy that maintains the basic energy of all known forms of energy in the universe.
Each crystal is unique. Just like when buying jewelry, it is important to choose the crystal that suits you or attracts you.
If you use crystals for healing, you will transfer the crystal's energy into the recipient's body by holding the recipient's hand. If you are using a double-tip crystal, you can use both ends of the crystal to channel this energy. Your crystal will activate and amplify its vitality, and transmit this energy to the object you give.
According to Dr. Richard Gerber, author of Vibration Medical Practice Guide: Energy Healing and Spiritual Transformation, "In any case, if a properly cut crystal is used, the healer will use the crystal as a surgeon removes the tumor. Release the negative energy in the body and restore the body to a complete state. "
"An interesting phenomenon can be found on the material basis of crystals. Humans are living crystals to some extent. Some aspects of human energy systems have the same transformation characteristics as natural crystals."
"When we use natural crystals for healing, the energy transfer occurs partly due to the resonance effect between the crystal and the crystal system of the cell that is common to the crystal."
"Two identical biological crystal elements amplify a certain aspect of vitality in a special energy circuit running throughout the body. The biological crystal system is a medium that can efficiently input high-frequency energy into the body."

Yinglaicrystals are located in the center of the renowned crystal trade hub of China- Donghai Province, where you can find a vast selection of any crystals and minerals around the world. We provide crystal skulls, crystal animals, cut & polished crystals, raw crystals, crystal jewelry, mini skulls for sale, quartz crystal pyramids wholesale, crystal hearts for sale and so on. Want to know more? Please contact us.

