Amethyst: The Purple Quartz


Amethyst has been revered throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary power. Amethyst is always associated with February, the month the Romans dedicated to their water god, Neptune. So it's not surprising that it was the traditional birthstone of that month. It is the stone of St. Valentine and faithful love, symbolizing the dignity of the church and the stone of the bishop. It carries the energy and passion of fire, creativity, and spirituality; yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety.
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Amethyst

For all its popularity, Amethyst has been one of the most revered stones in the world for centuries. The stones can be found in Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Africa, Canada, Russia, the United States, and Europe. While the Neolithic people in Europe it as a mere decorative emblem around 25,000 B.C., Ancient Greeks and Romans used amethyst in several ways from beads in jewelry to amulets. These ancient civilizations endowed the stone with high value. They believe the meaning of amethyst is synonymous with luxury.
Therefore, it was designed as a certain prominent part of their crown, scepter, and ring. Christian bishops once wore amethyst ring-shaped jewelry. Its color symbolizes loyalty to the royal family and to Christ. Catholic priests wear amethyst on the cross because it means pious and celibate. It is even thought that the breastplate of the high priest of Israel was adorned with amethyst as its ninth stone. It’s said that there were ten stones upon which the names of the tribes of Israel were engraved, and amethyst is believed to have been one of such stones.
Different Varieties of Amethyst

In nature, amethyst sometimes forms in combination with other minerals. In addition to the characteristics of the amethyst outlined above, the following varieties have other properties.
Brandberg Amethyst is a unique and unusual mixture of Amethyst, Clear, and Smoky Quartz together to form a crystal with a very high vibration. It is found only in Namibia, Africa, and is imbued with remarkable phantoms, enhydros, and other rare formations and inclusions. It attunes to pure consciousness and is a potent talisman of healing and perfection with the capacity to restore one back to their etheric blueprint in order to realign with the Divine Source.
Chevron Amethyst consists of dark purple and white quartz that "seeps" into the beautiful quartz layer. It is one of the finest Third-Eye stones for stimulating vision within the self as well as the physical world, filtering the life force from the cosmos via the Crown in its white layers and opening up spiritual and psychic channels through the purple. It has powerful, concentrated energy to dispel and repel negativity and is the perfect crystal for learning any form of psychotherapy. Hold one in each hand for powerful but safe out-of-body travel, shamanic journeying or pathworking, and between the hands while praying or reciting mantras.
Cacoxenite in Amethyst is mixed with the main crystal amethyst to form a dark brown to yellow Cacoxenite cluster, a phosphate mineral that is a major component of the super seven crystals. This combination brings a high level of creativity and new ideas to humanity by fostering thoughts that have never been thought of before. It is a calming stone, good in times of upheaval, and raises spiritual awareness of the creator essence in the beauty of nature and the kindness in people. On crescent and full moon nights, such stones deliver healing energy to Earth and create an ethereal connection between the entire universe.
Ametrine is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine in the same crystal, a harmonious fusion of the two energies. It brings harmony between spirituality and intelligence and inspires a profound flow of creativity, new ideas, and insight. It is a remarkable healing stone, removing pain and tension while bringing energy and a sense of well-being to the mind and body. Ametrine brings greater focus in meditation, protection in astral travel and is a crystal for opening angelic or spirit guide contact. From the midday of the full moon to leaving in the natural light at night, the Ametrine crystal captures the moon's light and then takes people to make money.
"Rutilated" Amethyst is a rare amethyst that contains rutile on the surface but actually contains brown crystals of goethite, a mineral of iron hydroxide that is also found in the Super Seven crystal. Goethite is a stone for finding the link between the deep self and Earth, and together with Amethyst clears the Earth and Base Chakras, aligning the whole chakra system to the higher mind. It purifies the emotional body and is particularly helpful in grief work. It facilitates clairaudience, communion with angels, and connections with other worlds. To program as a wishing stone or with intentions, messages, and prayers, simply hold the stone with the intent in mind.
Uses of Amethyst

Amethyst is also thought to control evil ideas, increase wisdom, and make people smart in business matters. For travelers, it was used to ward off betrayal and sudden attacks. It also protects the soldiers from harm and made them defeat the enemy. It helps catch wild animals and poultry. On the other hand, it is considered a powerful spiritual stone to protect against witchcraft and black magic. Like other royal gems, it protects the wearer from disease and infection.
In today's world, amethyst remains a remarkable stone of spirit and contentment, known for its metaphysical ability to calm the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It elevates wisdom and greater understanding and is a comforting stone for those who are grieving over the loss of loved ones.
Amethyst's ability to expand higher minds also enhances one's creativity and passion. It strengthens imagination and intuition and improves the process of thinking. It helps to absorb new ideas, put ideas into action, and deliver the results of the project. Amethyst is also known as a talisman of concentration and success.
Amethyst is a special crystal that can be worn physically for healing rituals and for improving a person's environment. It is well known that it will fade in direct sunlight, so it should be used carefully. While confirming that the stone has been cleaned, it is also good to keep it under the running water for a while. Place unpolished amethysts near other crystals to charge them.
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