Aquarius Birthstones By Zodiac


Birthstone for Aquarius - Amethyst

Amethyst is said to have a positive effect on many aspects of Aquariu's life. In addition to their personalities, their relationships and businesses also benefit from wearing these gorgeous gems.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. As an air sign, the Aquarius mind is primal, always alert and eager to be stimulated. This is why those born in this sign can become complacent and unmotivated if they are not wholeheartedly interested or spiritually motivated in their efforts.

The Aquarius birthstone is the beautiful amethyst, which is said to bring stability to the Aquarius personality and temperament. It is a sign of shyness to express emotions, and can sometimes appear cold and uncompromising.
Healing Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst can promote the secretion of hormones, stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands to achieve the best state. It supports oxygenation in the blood and aids in the treatment of the digestive tract, heart, stomach, and skin. Amethyst also strengthens the immune system and reduces bruising, pain and swelling. It has been used as an elixir for the treatment of arthritis with excellent results.

Amethyst is thought to relieve tinnitus and other symptoms of hearing impairment and is beneficial in treating insomnia, especially that caused by an overactive brain. It calms nerve impulses in the brain. Its energy improves the pain of headaches and migraines and reduces stress and nervousness. It may be used to treat mental disorders and stabilize brain imbalances, but should not be used in conditions of paranoia or schizophrenia.

Amethyst emotion healing the amethyst energy is particularly supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, stressed or overwhelmed back to the center. It relieves the mental anxiety that causes physical tension and headaches and is a good crystal for calming down those who are irritable and easily angry.

Amethyst helps determine the root causes of a person's negative behavior, habits, and emotional patterns, resulting in imbalances and disease. It also helps one to understand the causal reality of behavior and to make better decisions. Amethyst is an amazing aid in overcoming addiction by counteracting the effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function while imparts its own peaceful and lasting energy.

As amethyst promotes wisdom and greater understanding, it is a consolation crystal for those grieving over the loss of a loved one. Its existence indicates that there is no death, only transitional and changing forms. It encourages people to be free from grief and to rejoice in the release of the soul of a loved one from the bondage of the body. Amethyst is called the "soul stone" and assists in understanding and connecting to the eternal presence of the soul and activating one's own deep soul experience. It is an ideal crystal to hold or meditate in the experience of death of another or oneself, allowing the temporary physical body to release in a more relaxed, assured and peaceful manner. It is the perfect stone gift for those with terminal illnesses or for preparing for a conscious death experience.
Benefits of Amethyst for Aquarius

Amethyst is thought to help Aquarians deal with difficult problems in a more thoughtful way. It calms the mind and gives the wearer a clearer view of the obstacles and roads ahead. Amethyst is said to enhance the communication skills of those born in this sign and improve their ability to work effectively with others to achieve personal and professional goals. This is especially effective in teamwork situations, where the wearer can work with his or her partner to increase productivity through good teamwork.
The stone is also said to make some introverted Aquarius owners more receptive to suggestions from others, helping them adjust their behavior in a more beneficial way.

Amethyst also has healing properties, such as relieving headaches and body aches. It helps with sleep disorders, such as insomnia, and also helps with blood circulation in the body.

Amethyst is the chief birthstone of Aquarius. However, garnet and jasper are two other stones that have a positive impact on the lives of the natural bearer of Aquarius, easing problems that suddenly arise in their path.

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