The Spiritual Meaning Of Crystal Skull


They may represent doom and destruction, or they may represent hope and healing. Some people believe that a crystal skull can be used as a crystal ball to see past, present, and future.
While many of us generally associate skeletons with all doom, gloom, and death metal, the crystal skull gives us the power to heal and ascend. Crystal skull has unique healing properties. By harnessing the power of the crystal skull, we can further purify our bodies and minds and discover our spiritual potential.
In some cultures, crystal skulls have long been used as a way to enter other dimensions of the brain. By doing so, believe that you can see the connection between your existence and the things around you. The skulls made users aware that they might not be able to touch anything else. Whether or not the origin of the crystal skull is as believed, it does not deprive the crystal skull of its benefits.
The crystal skull inspires a sense of serenity. Perhaps one of the most critical elements in the construction of the human form out of gemstones will inspire a sense of inner peace that leads to the idea that we have the ability to control our fears and express our desires. But for others, crystal skulls can easily seem weird or scary.
While it's easy to feel fear naturally because of the skull's classic association with death, it's important to see these tools in a new light. Fear of death, rather than acceptance of it, forces us to live in the adventure of health and the fear of exploring the unknown, both essential elements of spiritual ascension. Healing with a crystal skull may be the perfect remedy. Use a crystal skull to help your fears coexist peacefully, or meditate while holding a crystal skull.
Crystal skull is a uniquely good tool for spiritual healing and ascension that can be used during meditation and energetic healing. I've found that crystal skulls have amazing grounding properties that help us use stones that magnetize dark energy from within, such as obsidian, without being afraid to face our shadow.
The more you work with your skull, the easier it will be to accept the concept of self-love and gratitude for the wonders of your existence; Your intuition and confidence will grow rapidly. Therefore, meditation with your skull is a great way to express your wishes and positive intentions.

Where to buy spiritual crystals?

Yinglaicrystals are located in the center of the renowned crystal trade hub of China- Donghai Province, where you can find a vast selection of any crystals and minerals around the world. Yinglaicrystals was established in 2014, specializing in offering various kinds of crystals and gemstones for sale, such as hand carved crystal skulls, raw crystal cluster, rose quartz skull, real life skull, raw fluorite crystal, ruby sphere crystals, polished tumbled stones, pink quartz mineral, natural tumbled stones and etc.

