Does Clear Quartz Need To Be Cleansed?


Many people use crystals to soothe their hearts, bodies, and souls. Crystals usually take a long distance from the place of origin to the place of sale before they can reach the buyer. Each transformation exposes the stone to the energy that may not be consistent with your own energy.
When used for treatment, these stones are said to absorb or guide the negative emotions that you release at work. Regular cleaning and charging are the only way to restore the crystal's natural state. This cautious behavior can also rekindle your own sense of mission.
Read on to learn about some of the most common cleaning methods, how to align a crystal with your intention, and more.
When Should You Cleanse Your Stones?

If you are using your crystal for any type of healing work or meditation, you should purify your crystal after each treatment. If you take your crystals or sleep with them (someone put it in a small bag or put it within the pillowcase), then your intuition should tell you when to clean them. Normally, you wash stones that you carry with you or by the bed once a week. After using the crystal, you will notice the difference between before and after, their colors will be darkened, or they will not have enough gloss and feel. Any stone in or around the environment will need to be cleaned more frequently.
In short, the more times you use a stone, the more energy it collects. A good rule of cleansing is to clean up all of your stones at least once a month, no matter what.
If a stone feels heavier than usual, clean it. You don't have to wait for the specified time between liquidations.
Your stones are powerful tools, they need maintenance to do their job. You want to be able to rely on them when you need them.

How to Cleanse Your Crystals

Sunlight or Moonlight Spa

When you see your crystals start to look a little sluggish and less vibrant, return them to nature. Let your crystals bathe the sun or moon for at least 4 hours outside. Especially with the large crystals in your home, although it can be a process, make sure that you place them outside to clear and recharge at least once a month.
A Crystallized Cleansing with Quartz or Selenite

As a crystal matchmaker, you can pair your crystal with a selenite or quartz crystal! Both crystals have the unique ability to cleanse, recharge, and purify the energy of other crystals. Reduce their own energy. Lay your crystals and tumbled stones on a piece of clear quartz or a selenite charging plate for 6+ hours. We like to make it a practice with the jewelry and crystals that we use daily to place them atop these cleansing crystals before bed each night. Then, when you wake in the morning, they will be ready to work with you.
When in Doubt, Smoke It Out
Not only will you burn sage and frankincense, but Palo Alto will make your home smell good, and they'll make your crystal feel good, too. Immerse your crystal in sacred smoke until it seems to come back to life. This may be the best choice for larger, more difficult crystals to pick up. Just use your feathers or your hands to blow the smoke around the crystal.
Return to Nature

We can all make energy reset in nature from time to time. To bring new happiness to your crystal, put it in the earth and even bury it in it for 24 hours. If you have a clean stream, stream or body of water near you, immerse your crystal in the flowing water for a few minutes, making sure that the purpose of doing so is to cleanse in the mind. Note: Be careful when you put certain crystals in water; many of the softer ones that are salt-based will dissolve when they get wet.
As mentioned earlier, take care of your stones as you would yourself. Whatever gems you like, just don't forget to get a good crystal to cleanse after your purchase!

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