Joint on Bottom of Corrugated Plate Pre-Scanning


Product model: IL-WFV series

Matching equipment: Yaskawa robot


Customer pain points:

There are problems such as blanking error, clamping error, stress deformation and so on.

Implementation plan:

KUKA robot is equipped with laser seam tracking system, and the positioning function is used to correct the welding track and improve the welding accuracy.

Application effect:

Welding efficiency and welding quality have been greatly improved.

If you want to know more details of laser seam tracking welding, please visit our website.

Intelligent Laser Technology can provide customers with complete automation solutions, according to the customer's welding process, material and deadline, realize the in-depth development of product functions, meet the special welding needs of customers, and achieve rapid improvement of welding level.

Now the price of robot welding machine is affordable, anything you need, please contact us.

