Macrosafe is a professional and trusted manufacturer of turnstile gate, half height turnstiles, ESD turnstiles, glass turnstiles, and gym turnstiles.

Porte tourniquet
- できごと(10)
- by Macrosafe
- at 2023/07/28 21:53

Full height turnstile in the construction site system:
Now with the economic development, urban real estate subways are being built one after another, and the requirements for intelligent management of construction personnel have also been put on the agenda.
- できごと(2)
- by Macrosafe
- at 2022/10/13 20:26

Why IC card half height turnsitles important for buildings
- できごと(1)
- by Macrosafe
- at 2022/07/29 19:04

Swimming pools entrance control with gym turnstile security system
Gym turnstiles can integrate RFID card system or face recognition camera to manage members and non-members, so what is the difference between the two systems?
- できごと(2)
- by Macrosafe
- at 2022/07/29 18:59

Turnstile Gates & Turnstile Access Control | Macrosafe
Macrosafe is a professional and trusted manufacturer of turnstile gate, half height turnstiles, ESD turnstiles, glass turnstiles, and gym turnstiles.
- できごと(2)
- by Macrosafe
- at 2022/07/29 18:43