What are Turnstile Barrier Gates and How Do They Work?


What are Turnstile Barrier Gates and How Do They Work?

Turnstile barrier gates are an efficient, cost-effective way to manage access control in public spaces. These security gates are designed to allow one person to pass through at a time, making them ideal for controlling the flow of visitors into buildings, offices, stadiums, shopping malls, and other areas where there’s a need for tight security. Let’s take a closer look at how turnstile barrier gates work.

Types of Turnstiles
Turnstiles come in three main types—full height turnstiles, half height turnstiles, and waist-high turnstiles. Full height turnstiles are the most secure option as they completely block access until someone presents their credentials. Half height turnstiles offer more flexibility as they can be easily opened if necessary while still controlling access. Waist-high turnstiles are the least secure but also the most cost-effective option as they allow people to easily step over them if needed.

How They Work
Turnstile barrier gates use sensors and/or RFID technology to detect when someone is attempting to pass through them. When a person presents their credentials (an ID badge or ticket), the sensors will detect it and open the gate accordingly. Once one person has passed through the gate, it will close again automatically until another credential is detected. This makes it impossible for anyone else to enter without presenting valid credentials first, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to the building or area in question.

Benefits of Turnstile Barrier Gates
Turnstile barrier gates provide many benefits beyond simply maintaining security in public spaces. For starters, they’re highly efficient since they only allow one person to pass through at a time which reduces waiting times for other visitors or patrons. They also help reduce costs associated with paying staff members to man entrances or exits in order to check credentials manually and allow people through one by one—turnstile barrier gates are much more economical and reliable than manual methods of access control management. Finally, these gates provide an added layer of safety since they alert staff if anyone attempts to enter without valid credentials so that appropriate action can be taken quickly and efficiently.

Conclusion: All in all, turnstile barrier gates are an effective way to maintain security while providing convenience for those who need access control management in public places such as buildings or stadiums. Not only do these systems provide an extra layer of protection against unauthorized entry but they can also save businesses money while reducing wait times for customers or patrons by allowing only one person at a time through the gate upon presentation of valid credentials. If you’re looking for a reliable way to manage access control on your premises, then turnstile barrier gates could be just what you need!
