What are the problems with wood-plastic floor laying



At present, with the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for the functionalization of plastic-wood composite materials are also getting higher and higher. Plastic-wood composite materials should not be limited to the anti-mold effect. When used in hospitals, toilets, parks and many other public places, Plastic-wood composite materials have certain antibacterial properties, which has become a further demand for people's yearning for a better life.
It is not difficult to lay plastic wood conposite flooring, but it is often such a seemingly simple problem, and there will be such and other problems in the actual laying process, so what causes the problems in the laying process of plastic wood composite decking What about? The following is a simple analysis by the technicians of the plastic wood composite decking wpc manufacturer.

In addition to our main material floor, the laying of plastic wood flooring also includes special keels for plastic wood flooring and keel nails. When it comes to the keel of plastic wood flooring, many people have never cared about it. It is this often overlooked problem that causes abnormal noise during the laying process or deformation of plastic wood flooring after a period of time. So what should we do? The correct choice of the keel of our plastic wood flooring? In fact, this problem is not difficult at all. We only need to choose a keel with suitable water content. If the water content of the keel is too high, after a long period of volatilization, the keel will definitely be deformed, and the keel with too low water content will not be very strong, so whether the keel of the plastic wood floor has been dried Handling is really important.

Regarding the inspection of our wood-plastic floor keel, in fact, professional personnel know how to inspect it. We will not expand this issue here to explain it to you. If the above reasons are excluded, our wood-plastic floor will also cause deformation. At this time, we have to find the reason from the quality of the wood-plastic floor we ordered. Often the inferior-quality wood-plastic floor will also cause a period of use The phenomenon of deformation appears after time. At this time, what we need to do is to get in touch with the plastic wood flooring manufacturer as soon as possible, and let the manufacturer help us propose a solution.

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