Tips for purchasing aluminium sliding door track profile


There are various aluminium sliding door track profile on the market now. High-quality sliding door profiles will be made of aluminum, strontium, copper, magnesium, manganese and other alloys, which are tougher. The thickness can reach more than 1 mm. Lower quality profiles are recycled aluminum and do not have the same toughness or service life. Here are some buying tips:

1. Look at the cross section of the aluminum profile. Some businesses may use recycled aluminum profiles to surface-color them. Therefore, when consumers are purchasing, they should ask merchants to display the cross-section of the product profile to understand the actual material.
2. Look at the pulley. The sliding door has two sets of upper and lower pulleys. A good upper pulley has a complex structure and contains bearings and aluminum blocks. It slides smoothly and makes almost no noise.
3. Sliding has its own weight. When choosing, don’t think that the smoother and lighter the sliding door is, the better. In fact, high-quality sliding doors should have a certain weight when sliding, smooth and without vibration.
4. Design of ground rail. When purchasing, you should choose a style that feels good on your feet and is conducive to hygiene and hygiene. At the same time, it is generally safest if the height of the ground rail does not exceed 5 mm.

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