Monkeypox A29L, A35R antibody pair and uncut sheet are available now! Pico-gram sensitivity on LFA can be attained.


Monkeypox A29L, A35R antibody pair and uncut sheet are available now! Pico-gram sensitivity on LFA can be attained.

The transmission rate of monkeypox virus has been increasing recently, and genome sequence analysis shows that 2022 monkeypox virus has 15 evolutionary signs such as single nucleotide polypeptide, minor mutation and gene deletion. The monkeypox virus is continuing to evolve in the process of human-to-human transmission.

To assist the R&D of monkeypox IVD Rapid Antigen test (RAT), Sekbio rolls out several high-sensitivity antibodies pair after screening hundreds of antibody clones.

We have used our LFA platform to evaluate these antibodies, and pico-gram sensitivity can be attained.

A35R is the envelope component of the extracellular enveloped virion (EEV) and is homologous to the chordpox virus A33R. A33R may be involved in regulating virion motility and actin tail nucleation, plays a role in Ab resistance transmission, and is a protein required for A36R protein to bind to the envelope of intracellular enveloped virions (IEV).

A29L is an intracellular mature virus (IMV) surface envelope protein that is homologous to vaccinia virus (VACV) A27 and widely conserved in the Poxviridae family. Studies on vaccinia virus have found that the A27 protein plays multiple roles in the viral life cycle, including binding to cell surface heparan sulfate, regulating membrane fusion, and mediating the transport of mature virus (IMV) to form enveloped virus (IEV).

We provide thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody, tsh stimulating immunoglobulin, anti tsh antibody, cancer antigen test, thyroid antibody, etc. For more information, please feel free to contact us!

