
Highlighting, an age-old pro makeup artist technique, has become an everyday staple for the average person. So the chances are that you are inundated with various highlighters while shopping for makeup.
However, do you know how to make the best use of it, according to our Asian facial features?Now, get your brushes (or fingers) ready!

What Type of Highlighter Should I Use?

In daily use, we recommend you choose the shade which is closed to your skin tones.

For example, for Asian girls primarily in medium skin tones, champagne or light pink with a golden shimmer are the most suitable (like the shades in barenbliss Dollar Highlighter).

In addition, there are a lot more shimmering highlighters, which will be more evident on your skin and seems to be more suitable for a special occasion.

However, if you would like to apply it daily, it could be used on some small parts, adding more details and increasing the delicacy of your look.

Please remember not to sweep highlighter on a large area of skin. Too much will backfire!

Where’s the Best Place to Apply Highlighter?

Technically speaking, the best place to apply a highlighter is different for everyone due to various facial features. However, some techniques could be used by most of us. To create a natural look, we need to stick to the high points of our face, where the light would naturally hit, like forehead, bridge of the nose(t-zone), brow, cheekbone (C-zone), triangle under the eyes, cupid’s bow (that little dip above the center of your top lip), and chin.

For girls with narrow foreheads, drawing an inverted triangle in the middle of the forehead with highlighters can visually make it plump and dimensional.
Likewise, highlighting the apple muscle can create a girlish cheek.
Applying highlighter on tear groove and creases can tighten the facial skin visually.
If you would like to make your nose look smaller and narrow, you could add a touch to the very tip of your nose.
Once you’ve got those basics down, you can get creative and step it up.

Really, highlighters can go anywhere you want to stand out! Shoulders and collarbones are also a good place to pop a little highlighter to rock a sleeveless dress.

We hope that this article could help you to know how to use highlighters!

BNB beauty provides beauty bakerie fortune cookie, eyeshadow bridal and etc. For more information about bliss makeup and highlighter tutorial, please feel free to contact us!

