Everything You Need To Know About Plastic Crusher Machine


Plastic crushers and Their Key Features

Plastic crushers play a key role in plastic recycling plants and production facilities. It offers several benefits in addition to processing plastics that are used as raw materials for other products like storage containers, toys, packaging bags, and consumer electronics. Industrial plastic shredders not only help with size reduction, but also with recouping waste plastic.

Crushers are an indispensable component of efficient and cost-effective operations in the recycling and waste management industry. Plastic crushers are designed for shredding a wide variety of plastics and so, they vary from low speed to moderate speed with high torque and come in varying specifications and blade sizes.

Available in different makes and models, plastic crushers typically range from single shaft machines to an advanced four shaft mechanism that includes grinders, granulators, hammers, and cutters along with sorting and shaking functionality. They can typically drive from 50HP to 1,250HP and their key features include:

1. A rugged structure

2. Screen and vibration classifiers

3. Discharge conveyors

4. Heavy-duty gear

5. Auto-reverse functionality

6. Low noise level

7. Single, double and four shaft mechanisms

8. Advanced customization for altering the shape and size of materials

plastic crusher machine

Advantages of plastic crusher machine


Durability and high performance

Very low Noise

Energy consumption is low

Long lifespan

Abrasion resistance in cutting tool

High security in developing new products


The various applications of plastic crushers include the plastic industry, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturing units, catering industry, food processing facilities, bio-medical waste management plants, nursing homes, healthcare facilities, cardboard manufacturing units, and supermarkets.

Materials such as polyethylene, PVC, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), polystyrene are some of the plastic materials used for plastic injection molding machines.

plastic crusher machine

Selecting the Right Plastic Crushers for Your Business Needs

Depending on the size and type of plastic scrap to be processed, different industrial crushers are available for plastic shredding. The internal mechanism of a plastic shredder typically travels in lateral, vertical or rotary directions and the speed also varies depending on the material. Plastic crushers can be classified into the following six types based on the process for which they are employed:

1. Hammer Mills: Used for shattering or pulverizing materials in a rotary drum that employs swiveling hammers.

2. Granulators: Used for recycling plastic from production processes. Granulators also include thermoforming units for producing scrap material that is easy to handle.

3. Chippers: Chippers feature high-speed rotary knives that efficiently reduce material to flakes and chips.

4. Grinders: Grinders use the combined power of abrasion and compression to pulverize materials and produce granular products.

5. Shear Shredders: Available in different configurations, these crushers employ rotary cutters and guillotine style knives for cutting materials according to industrial needs.

6. All-purpose Shredders: Widely used for recycling purposes and demolition programs, all-purpose crushers are large, run at low-speed and have high torque shafts.

Apart from being eco-friendly, industrial crushers help reduce hauler expenses and eliminate the hours that plastic typically takes to burn down. We stock a wide range of industrial crushers to suit unique business requirements with flexible financing options. Call us to know which industrial shredder best suits your business needs.

For more information, please visit us at https://www.accextrusion.com/
