Food & Beverage


Ceramic membrane has high separation efficiency and good chemical stability, which can be used for separation, clarification, purification, and so on. Due to its good performance, ceramic membrane is widely used in the processing of food and beverage. Ceramic membrane filtration can be used for sweetener's concentration and purification. It can also be used to produce concentrated milk proteins and isolated milk proteins. Crossflow filtration is widely used in purify liquids, such as wine, fruit and vegetable juice. Membrane separation technology is used to eliminate bacteria in milk. Ceramic membrane is also extensively used in the processing of flavoring and seasoning, natural herb extract, enzyme and so on. Ceramic membrane can greatly satisfy your needs in food and beverage processing!
Membrane filtration and continuous ion exchange technology: reform sweetener production process.
Crossflow membrane filtration for wine clarification solution is an ideal way for wineries.
Fruit And Vegetable Juice
Improving quality and cutting down costs by membrane filtration are your wise choice.
Producing quality dairy products with less nutrients loss and long shelf life is your need.
Flavoring And Seasoning
Ceramic membrane technology in food processing is an effective, advanced and clean clarification solution.
Natural Herb Extract
Ceramic membrane and organic membrane combination process are becoming a preferred process.
Our ceramic membrane filtration system is to enhance quality and drive down costs.
Non-Alcohol Beer And No Alcohol Wine
The latest extraction technology for non-alcoholic and non-alcoholic wines.

Jiuwu hi tech is a professional Ceramic membrane factory. We provide Ceramic Membrane Element, Ceramic Membrane Module, hi tech membrane, Organic membrane filters and so on. Want to know more? Please contact us.

