What is an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient or API?



APIs are an important part of the entire pharma api manufacturing industry. As one of the professional api active pharmaceutical ingredient companies, Aolisenchem has continuously upgraded this industry, increased investment in environmental protection, and carried out work around new product development, process improvement and new technology research to improve safety, environmental protection and quality.

1. Introduction of active pharma ingredients and API medicine
An active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is a chemical substance that makes the medicine work. But this definition is far less simple than it sounds. By distinguishing between APIs and drugs, manufacturers can focus on regulatory agencies to centralize resources, and pharmacists can compare generic equivalents with branded products.

It is important to learn what makes API, which is the foundation of practice and management in the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, active pharma ingredients are chemicals used in daily prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Bioengineered proteins and recombinant molecules created for biotech drugs belong to different definitions and management schemes.

2. Definition of API medicine
API is intended to be used for any substance or mixture of substances in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. And when it is used in pharmaceutical production by the API pharma company, it becomes the active pharmaceutical ingredient of pharmaceutical products. These substances are designed to provide pharmacological activity or other direct effects on diagnosis, cure, alleviation, treatment or prevention of diseases or affect the structure and function of the body

3. Who can make API medicine?
Chemicals are usually produced in facilities away from tablets, oral suspensions, and topical applications. And almost all APIs are powdered in bulk production. No matter where the API is manufactured, it must meet the safety and quality standards set by the country's leading drug regulatory agency.
