Analysis of Some Problems with Filecoin Storage
1. How expensive was Filecoin storage at launch?
Since Filecoin is a free market, the price will be determined by many variables related to storage supply and demand. It's hard to predict before release. However, some design elements of the network help support cheap storage.
In addition to revenue from active storage transactions, storage miners receive block rewards, where the expected value of winning a given block reward is proportional to the amount of storage they have on the network. These block rewards are heavily influenced in the early days of the network (the frequency of block rewards decays exponentially over time). Therefore, storage miners are relatively inclined to reduce storage fees to win more transactions, which will increase their expected block reward.
Additionally, Filecoin introduced a concept called Verified Clients, in which it is possible to verify that a client is actually storing useful data. Storage miners who store data from validating clients also increase their expected block rewards. Anyone running a Filecoin-backed IPFS pinning service should be eligible to be a verified client. We haven't finalized the verification process yet, but we expect it to be similar to submitting a GitHub profile.
2. Will storing data on Filecoin be cheaper than other centralized cloud services?
Filecoin has created an extremely competitive market for data storage. There will be many miners offering multiple prices instead of one fixed price on the network. We expect Filecoin's permissionless model and low barriers to entry to lead to some very efficient operations and cheap storage, but can't say an exact price until the network goes live.
3. After Filecoin is launched, what will happen to the existing content on IPFS? What if nodes continue to host content for free and break the Filecoin incentive layer?
IPFS will continue to exist as-is, enhanced by Filecoin nodes. There are many use cases that do not require economic incentives. Think of it like IPFS is HTTP and Filecoin is an S3-like storage cloud - only a fraction of the IPFS content will be there.
People who have unused storage space and want a monetary reward should commit the storage space to Filecoin, and customers who want guaranteed storage space should store this data with Filecoin miners.
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