Untargeted Metabolomics



The LC-MS untargeted metabolomics is used for unbiased detection of metabolites in samples by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and to obtain their qualitative and quantitative information.

Technology Introduction
The main application is for comparing the case group with the control group to find the metabolites and metabolic pathways that show significant differences between groups, which can provide clues and directions for the research in biomarker development, disease pathogenesis, and drug treatment mechanisms.

Technical Features of nontargeted metabolomics Service

Large Curated Database
Collected ultra-high sensitinity data of over 280,000 metabolites. Each sample can typically identify 1500-3000 metabolites.

Comprehensive Identification Strategy
A comprehensive identification of metabolites was performed using four qualitative methods:

Matching to in-house standard database;

Matching to integrated public database;

Matching to AI database;

Identify using the metDNA algorithm.

Rigorous Quality Control
A mature quality control system monitoring all aspects of experimentation from sample preparetion to data collection.

Applications of Untargeted Metabolomics Service
Clinical marker discovery and development

Understanding mechanisms behind disease progression

Studying drug efficacy and toxicity

Environmental toxicology research

Why Untargeted Metabolomics Service Is Used?
Genes will tell you what may happen, metabolites tell you what is happening or has happened (Bill Lasley) Metabolomics is the qualitative and quantitative assessment of metabolites (small chemical molecules<1.5 kda). The metabolites are the downstream product of protein activity as well as the result of interactions with environmental exposures, and thus they are closely related to the phenotype. Over the last decade, metabolomics is coming to the forefront as a powerful tool for understanding disease mechanisms. and identifying biomarkers, and has great potential for clinical translation.

List of Metabolites
Our curated database contains over 280000 metabolites of which over 3000 metabolites are from an in-house standard database over 150,000 metabolites from an integrated public database, and over 130,000 metabolites from Al predicted structural database. The integrated public database includes KEGG and HMDB. Metlin, Mass Bank, Lipid Search, and other common databases.

Analysis Content Display of Untargeted Metabolomics Service
Our complete service includes various data analyses to jump start your research. Below are a few components that you may find in our data analysis report.

Sample Requirements of Untargeted Metabolomics Service

Sample TypeSampleRecommended SampleMinimum SampleMinimum Sample
LiquidPlasma, serum, hemolymph, milk, egg white100μL20μLhuman>30
Cerebrospinal fluid, tear fluid, interstitial fluid, uterine fluid, pancreatic, fluid and bile, pleural effusion, follicular fluid, corpse fluid, saliva, sputum100μL20μLhuman>30
seminal plasma, amniotic fluid, prostate fluid, rumen fluid, respiratory, condensate, gastric lavage fluid, alveolar lavage fluid, urine, sweat500μL100μLhuman>30
TissueAnimal tissue, placenta, thrombus, fish skin, mycelium, nematode, slime, mold protoplasm, cyanobacteria100mg20mghuman>30
whole body, aircraft (wings). pupae500mg20mghuman>30
Zebrafish organs, insect organs2010animal>8
CellAdherent cells1*10^65*10^5human>30
Escherichia coli and other microorganisms1*10^105*10^8animal>8
FecesFeces, ilntestinal contents200 mg (wet weight)50 mg (wet weight)human>30

As a professional metabolomics company, we provide metabolomics research, metabolomics test, lc ms metabolomics analysis, metabolite identification lcms, untargeted metabolomics data analysis, untargeted metabolomics analysis, genomics transcriptomics proteomics metabolomics, etc. For more information, please feel free to contact us!

